Becky shared that running in a marathon is an exhausting experience and it represented life well.
Becky was 15 then, studying in Form 4 when she first suspected that she was pregnant. She was too afraid to face it – the fear of all the judgement that she had to deal with, and worried about her future. Becky avoided taking the pregnancy test until her teacher and classmates noticed her physical changes and approached her. When finally she went to the Family Planning Association, she was already 20 weeks pregnant. She panicked. Her school social worker referred her to Mother’s Choice.  She did not want to terminate her pregnancy, and decided to place her child for adoption.  During her days at the Mother’s Choice hostel, Becky met with girls who were walking a similar same path as she did. Through the bonding with them, she felt happier. But as days flew by, Becky grew more and more sentimental, knowing that by the time her baby is born, they would soon be separated. Becky recalled the day when her child arrived, she shared that it was a painful process, but the pain was trivial when compared to the heartbreak of sitting alone in the ward, missing and worrying about her new born baby. Whenever there was a visitor, Becky would rush to see her child. She could feel the genuine love and care a mother has for her child. Becky’s noticed that her emotions fluctuated more after her child’s birth, and could help but kept missing her baby all the time.
Becky well knew that adoption is the best option for her child, and tried hard to suppress her emotions.
As in the analogy of “life is like a marathon”, challenges come one after the other. One of Becky’s reflections was the increased understanding of herself, and the discovery of being a strong-willed person. That despite all the pain and the thoughts of giving up, Becky held on believing that there would be a better tomorrow for her child and herself.  That despite the fact that such obstacles were hard to overcome, she enriched myself going through it all, ever more inspired to keep pressing forward.
Becky also came to realize the love and support from her family. She also found her dreams! Knowing that with the support received, she is determined to do her best and strive to become someone of accomplishments. “My child is also my motivation!” Becky shared.  Mother’s Choice would invite girls who had walked similar paths as Becky’s to make return visits to the hostel, and do sharing sessions with girls in residence.  These opportunities gave Becky the exposure to different views, often a fresh and eye-opening perspective, offered the directions to plan for herself and her child, making an informed choice of her own.
“My life at the hostel was fruitful. I discovered my strengths and brushed up my inter-personal skills, Mother’s Choice really helped me a lot. I would love to share to girls who are walking in this path,” as stated by Becky.
Becky also had a few thoughts to share…
-To teachers:  Leave no students behind.  Every experience is a learning opportunity.  Please also teach more knowledge on sexual health.
-To girls:  Protect yourselves well.
-To parents – Give your children support and encouragement, avoid exerting too much pressure on them.
FY2017-18 Stats:
570 callers received support through our crisis hotline
134  girls received holistic care through our pre- and post-natal programs
74% of pregnant girls served were under 21 years old

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