Take Action / Involve Your Company
Involve Your Company
Nearly three decades on from opening our doors to the many pregnant teenagers and children without families in Hong Kong, we are challenged to take a hard look at how to serve more children, youth, and families, because the need for our services is only growing.
The issues we tackle are complex. From teen pregnancy to children living in institutional care – there is no way for a single entity to achieve large-scale change in these areas. It will take many individuals and organizations working together to bring lasting change, and we believe the corporate sector has a significant and meaningful role to play.
Why do we value Corporate Partnerships?
Meaningful partnerships between the business and nonprofit sectors are vital to the sustainability of organizations like Mother’s Choice. We value the depth of knowledge, experience, and ongoing learning that the business sector brings, and look for collaboration to find innovative ways to address the complex social challenges that we face.
We seek to partner with companies who:
- Share our vision of a transformed community
- Commit to journeying with us and our clients for the long-term
- Are intentional about understanding the needs in Hong Kong
- Desire to engage with and make a difference in the local community
- Understand the importance of capacity building in the nonprofit sector
To explore partnership opportunities with Mother’s Choice, please email donate@motherschoice.org.
“When we first began working with Mother’s Choice in 2014, they had no network connectivity, limited phone lines between their offices, and had to rely on case data in paper files. Given the hundreds of girls, babies and families they deal with on a daily basis, this was simply incredible. After 18 months of pro bono support and mentoring from the Macquarie IT team, Mother’s Choice now have a shared file system and phones between all sites, a new volunteer management program, and the piloting of a new case management system. Data that previously took case manager to find now takes 20 minutes, which is essential for a charity dealing with families in crisis.”
Casey Gallagher, part of the IT team won the Pro Bono Adviser of the Year category in Macquarie’s annual 2016 Staff in the Community Awards.
Adoption Leave Policies
Leaders across sectors are becoming increasingly aware that adoption friendly policies are a way for companies to have life-long impact on the community in Hong Kong. Adoption leave is parental leave for mothers and fathers for a period after their adopted child is placed in their home. Companies who offer adoption benefits to their employees recognise that they increase employee loyalty, retention, goodwill, and productivity, enhance a company’s family-friendly image, and help support children move from residential to safe, loving, and permanent homes. Learn more by downloading our Adoption Leave Guidance.