The issues we tackle are complex. From teen pregnancy to children living in institutional care – there is no way for a single entity to achieve large-scale change in these areas. It will take many individuals and organizations working together to bring lasting change. It will take all of us!
Working across the child and family welfare sector, we recognize that many of us face the same complex issues and challenges in our work. When we work together in a spirit of partnership and collaboration, we believe we can make a real difference. We have gathered a collection of our resources and articles to share, that we hope will support the knowledge and practice capacities of other frontline agencies as we work together to see every child in a safe, loving, and permanent family.
If you have any questions, feedback, ideas for projects or collaboration, please contact info@motherschoice.org
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Changing Life Stories Conference: Breaking the Vicious Intergenerational Cycle of Teen Pregnancy
It is believed to be the first-ever teenage crisis pregnancy conference in Hong Kong, gathering academic experts, healthcare and legal professionals, social workers and NGO leaders who work in the prevention and intervention of youth crisis pregnancy. This virtual event will include keynote speakers, workshops, spotlight sessions and networking opportunities to share specialized knowledge and to explore possibilities for innovative service models. The agenda is themed & centered on three key protective factors that are central to breaking the vicious cycle of teenage pregnancy: Embrace, Equip and Empower. - 2
Understanding the Legal Aspects of Working with Children and Families: An Introductory Manual for Social Workers (Chinese)
Hong Kong child welfare law can be difficult to navigate, particularly for frontline workers in an emergency. This legal manual, produced in collaboration with the Faculty of Law at The University of Hong Kong presents a clear picture of how the law can best protect, and promote better outcomes for our clients. - 3
Changing Life Stories: Understanding the Legal Aspects of Working with Children and Families 2nd Edition (May 2021)
Hong Kong child welfare law can be difficult to navigate, particularly for frontline workers in an emergency. This legal manual, produced in collaboration with the Faculty of Law at The University of Hong Kong presents a clear picture of how the law can best protect, and promote better outcomes for our clients. - 4
Adoption Leave Guidance
Adoption is a lifelong journey, and at Mother’s Choice, we believe everyone in the community has a role to play in supporting children, youth, and families. If you are interested in learning more about how you can support adoptive families in your company, please download our Adoption Leave Guidance.
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Positive Adoption Language
The way we talk, and the words we choose say a lot about what we think and value. Download our Positive Adoption Language card here! - 6
Adoption Process
Mother’s Choice is an Adoption Services Provider, accredited by the Social Welfare Department of Hong Kong. We are one of three partner agencies who provide services and suitability assessments for prospective adoptive families. This process allows your Adoption Service Provider to assess your suitability to adopt a child, please learn more on the Adoption Process. - 7
20 things you can do to build stronger families for children
We believe it takes a village to raise a child, and we have designed a series of activities this month for you to get educated, take action, talk to your friends, and “be the village” for a child! Download your calendar here! - 8
Reforming Hong Kong’s Child & Family Justice System: Being a Voice for Children in Residential Care
In Chapter 6 of this book, which presents a collection of papers from the 3rd Children’s Issues Forum held in Hong Kong in November 2015, Mother’s Choice gives an overview to the needs and situation of children without families in Hong Kong and gives suggestions for reforms. - 9
Child Protection Conference (March 2017)
Our first Child Protection Conference brought together practitioners form the fields of social welfare, law, academic, medicine, and government for two days to begin a discussion on how we can collaborate across our disciplines to best protect children in our city. - 10
Positive Sexuality Education Teaching Manual
Aids Concern and Sticky Rice Love Online Sexual Health Platform (friends of Mother’s Choice) published the “Positive Sexuality Education Teaching Manual”, a great tool for teenagers in Hong Kong! - 11
Parents should take early lead role in sex education.
Mother’s Choice CEO, Alia Eyres writes a letter to the editor at the SCMP. - 12
How can we better build a foster system in Hong Kong?
The SCMP looks into why the number of children from broken homes outstrips the number of foster families available. - 13
Mother’s Choice: caring for Hong Kong’s pregnant teenagers and their babies since 1987
Inspired by articles from the South China Morning Post 30 years ago, Mother’s Choice opened its doors to pregnant teenagers in crisis. - 14
Help, please! Show some kindness to children in need.
Mother’s Choice CEO, Alia Eyres writes a letter to the editor at the SCMP. - 15
Attachment & Resilience in Adopted Children
Mother’s Choice Adoption Committee member Dr. Erica Liu Wollin shares her expertise on attachment at TEDxHong Kong.