Mother’s Choice is excited to announce that visually-impaired ultra-runner, Gary Siu-wai Leung will be partnering with Mother’s Choice for the event HOPE ANCHORS Charity Challenge. Gary will be running 2,500 km, his longest distance ever, from Beijing to Hong Kong to raise awareness of our work serving vulnerable children and youth in Hong Kong. The Media Briefing Session of the event was successfully held on 21 Feb 2019. We are grateful for your support.


From March 25 to April 28, 2019, Gary and his team of more than 35 guide runners, starting in Beijing, will run through seven provinces spanning over a 35-day period. His homecoming will be welcomed at the closing ceremony at the Hong Kong Cyberport. His goal for this charity run is to encourage and empower individuals and families to rise up to life’s many challenges. It is possible to overcome and achieve incredible things when you have hope.


It is our greatest hope that everyone will be able to join us by setting your personal challenge, by starting to create your personalized HOPE GIVER page at


Please click on below links to the press release.

English version

Chinese version

(Photo by volunteer – Marc Cheung)

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