Thank You for Turning Crisis into Hope!
In April, we launched an Urgent Appeal to fill the very large hole in our fundraising created by COVID-19. In just over two months, more than 1,100 individuals, families, and companies rallied to this call, mobilized their own communities, and came up with creative ways … Continued
Thank You For Walking With Us During Our Time Of Crisis
For more than three decades, Mother’s Choice has walked alongside clients in their moment of crisis, stepping into the darkest moment of someone’s story, and giving them hope. When we embarked on this Urgent Appeal, we were filled with trepidation wondering how we would … Continued
The Home Stretch – Urgent Appeal Update from Andrew
We are in the home stretch of our Urgent Appeal and wanted to give you an update on how we are doing. Though the pandemic has negatively impacted fundraising at the exact same time that there is an increased need for all of our services across Hong Kong, we have been bu … Continued