Visually-impaired ultra-runner Gary Leung started his 2,500km charity run to raise funds and awareness for Mother’s Choice on March 25, Monday. He and his guide runners kicked off from Tiananmen Square in Beijing in high spirits and amazing energy (see photo). Under favorable weather conditions and much excitement, the team achieved running 66km and 64km respectively in the first two days.
It was a nice surprise to Venus, one of the guide runners as March 26, Tuesday was her birthday. She shared that “to participate in the charity run with Gary is a meaningful way to celebrate her birthday”, and got a surprise celebration from the team where everyone had an enjoyable evening amidst the challenge.
Continuing on the journey on March 27, the team faced their first round of challenges! After experiencing good weather on the past two days, the team felt like walking into another world on day 3 – the air quality deteriorated overnight, adversely affecting visibility as our guide runners found it difficult to see the roads ahead and they all found it hard to breathe. Moreover, the selected run route was alongside a busy highway with no clear paths. All these made it extremely tough for the team! Nevertheless, HOPE prevails! With the support and help from each other, they accomplished 65km on day 3. Bravo!
Fortunately, pollution lessened in the following days accompanied with chillier weather where Team A, the first group of guide runners, completed the route successfully, and prepared passing the baton to the next team on the evening of day 5, March 29. Well done Team A!! Great job, Gary!!
You can be a HOPE Giver too!
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