On day 21, Gary reached a big milestone – he has completed over 1,000km of the challenge! Nonetheless Gary would not slow down a bit, he keeps running towards Hong Kong, towards home.
Weather has been on and off foggy and rainy since day 22, Gary and Team E ran through wet and slippery roads, muddy roads, from rain to finer weather on day 25. Despite the changing weather and road conditions, Gary and his guide runners never give up, run on and achieve their daily distance target of 50km each day! On day 23, a group of local runners spotted Gary and learnt about his challenge, to support Gary, they ran together which created the record of most runners running with Gary so far!
At this section, Gary took the time to tell us about the use of the guide rope and some guide running skills:- (See video)
1. The guide rope has 2 hoops, one hoop to hoop onto Gary and the other one onto guide runner’s hand. On narrow paths, Gary and guide runner will hold the rope tighter, and they loosen it on wider paths.
2. Guide runner usually speaks to Gary about directions and road situation, as speaking is the fastest and easiest way, he/she can also pull the rope when they have to turn left, however, in order to turn right, the guide runner has to tell Gary otherwise he/she will run into Gary.
3. When there are obstacles or adverse road situations directly ahead, the guide runner will touch Gary’s hand for immediate stop.
In only 10 days, Gary and his guide runners will be returning to Hong Kong! We applaud Gary’s stamina and courage, and his determination in helping us to help vulnerable children and youth in Hong Kong. If you wish to join Gary to become a HOPE Giver to vulnerable children and youth of Hong Kong, you can do it through donation: https://www.simplygiving.com/event/hope-anchors
We cannot wait to welcome our HOPE Giver Gary and his amazing guide runner team home on Sunday, 28 April 2019, we will cheer them at various locations in Hong Kong and held a Homecoming Closing Ceremony at Cyberport. If you would like to cheer for and celebrate Gary and his team, we invite you to join us on Sunday, 28 April to:-
– cheer Gary and his team on route from Sheung Shui to Central (you may select one or multiple location(s)). To register, please click http://www.tfaforms.com/4733410; and/or,
– join the Homecoming Closing Ceremony at Cyberport. To register, please click http://tfaforms.com/4731443