Cass Phang, renowned singer, celebrity ambassador and long-standing volunteer for Mother’s Choice shares her utmost support for Gary for his 35 days run from Beijing to Hong Kong. She would like to extend an apology to Gary and his running guides that she is unable to join the last leg of his run, however, she encourages everyone to join the cheering squad at the Homecoming Closing Ceremony on 28 April 2019.
Cass has been involved with Mother’s Choice for over 7 years and has volunteered in the Child Care Home, singing for and looking after children.
Gary arrives in Hong Kong on the 28 April 2019 and where we will celebrate with a special homecoming closing ceremony to be held at the Cyberport Podium. Be sure to join us between 1:00pm-4: 00 pm to cheer on Gary and his team of more than 35 guide runners upon their return. The afternoon will be filled with family-friendly activities such as booth games, children’s crafts, performances and so on.
Hope to see you all there!
P.S Do remember to pre-register here, as a required safety precaution.