In April, we launched an Urgent Appeal to fill the very large hole in our fundraising created by COVID-19. In just over two months, more than 1,100 individuals, families, and companies rallied to this call, mobilized their own communities, and came up with creative ways to give generously even though many of them were struggling themselves.
Today, because of you, the Urgent Appeal campaign reached the HK$20 million mark, replacing the funds lost from the cancellation of our annual fundraising dinner. Your incredible generosity will allow Mother’s Choice to keep our doors open to those who need us most over the coming months and keep working towards our vision of “every child in a loving family”.
We have seen how powerful it is when our community works together to turn crisis into hope. We believe that everyone has a role to play and everyone can make a difference. Thank you for being community for us, and for proving how together we can change life stories for children without families and vulnerable girls in our beloved city of Hong Kong.
We invite you to continue on this journey with us. To hear the stories of the people’s lives your generosity has supported, please follow #FindingFamily on Facebook and Instagram.
Thank you for being an important part of our story!