Getting to Know You…

My name is Amie Moriarty.  I am a physio-therapist.  My family and I have been living in Hong Kong for over 15 years, and I’m currently a volunteer at Mother’s choice in the Wee Care.


Getting Connected…

I have known about Mother’s Choice since I’ve arrived into Hong Kong as I was very fortunate enough to be invited when early on to one of the Gala events.  And then I live in this community and I’ve always walked past this beautiful unique building here on Bowen Road.  And so, when you see that, you wanted to learn a little bit more about what’s going on in that building and then when you find out, what it was happening what Mother’s Choice is doing. You just… you want to learn more.


Memorable Moments…

I have a few, but one particular as a caregiver as physio-therapist when working with children are so engaged and excited, typically to work with physio-therapist because you are playing!  If it’s an organized form of play to help them achieve a physical delay that they might be experiencing.  We turn whatever exercise, whatever we are trying to do into a game so it  becomes fun for them.

On my first day while volunteering in Mother’s Choice, there was a child that I worked with, and we had a really fun session, and then I told them my name and they said my name and then I don’t come.  I only come back once a week.  And I came back the next week and that child ran up to me, and asked to go with me to do another session and called me by my name.  And just… you know, most adults don’t remember my name that quickly.  But for a three-year-old remember my name that quickly and we had that immediate bond.  It was really a priceless experience.

Another special moment was when I was working with the children in Wee Care.  Wee Care is an area that the children might have a physical delay, or behavioral or something that we’re working on and helping them with so one of the clients… one the babies that I’m working with.  She found out one day when I wasn’t there yet, who her forever home was going to be, she got the pictures of them in a book, in a photo album.  And so the next time that I was in the therapy room, working with her, after we’re finished. She asked if she can show me the pictures in her album of her forever home. So that was very emotional to me and very special moment.


Hopes & Dreams…

My hope and dream for Mother’s choice and the children here is for everybody to find their forever home, and Mother’s Choice is such a beautiful facility that provides care for children while waiting for their forever home.  And even with children that might have special needs, Mother’s Choice always provides the extra care that they might need.  So even as a physio-therapist, I’m able to volunteer to provide, they also have staff physical therapist.

My hope and dream is to get more professionals [in my profession] to volunteer and to see, what they could do to give back to the facility and the children and to help them all reach their highest level of function.  So, when they do find their forever home, they are already thriving, they are used to working with a therapist, they are already used to having intervention, and they are reaching these independent goals that they want to reach.


Wait No More…

I would say that my one thing that would share was is that I’ve lived in Hong Kong for 15 years and I always felt like maybe I didn’t have time before to volunteer, I had two young small children. But the first day I went home to my husband after volunteering the first day here. I said, why didn’t I do this the first week I arrived in Hong Kong, and so that would be my thing to everybody is: I wouldn’t wait, I would sign up as soon as you can.


My hope and dream for Mother’s Choice and the children here is for everybody to find their forever home.




Learn more about Mother’s Choice or how to become a volunteer on our team by joining the next Get To Know Mother’s Choice Info Session via Zoom.  Sign up here please.

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