At Mother’s Choice,
we believe that even the youngest in our community
can play an active role
and when young people have the chance to serve their communities,
everyone benefits!

Let’s hear from our Youth Leadership Council school member!



Kristy, KGV Chapter, Youth Leadership Council

Hi, my name is Kristy and I’m a year 12 student. I’m currently the leader for the KGV delineation of YLC. I first got connected with Mother’s Choice through my friend passing on my details. She told me that it was great CAS opportunity and would allow you to meet a lot of different people while helping out the charity.

I think that one of the most memorable parts of Mother’s Choice has been to meetings. Although we haven’t been able to participate in many in-person events, I’m always shocked at the amount of freedom that Mother’s Choice gives us to lead the projects in the trust that they put enough. They really do treat us with respect and allow us to bring our ideas to fruition. It’s also been great working with my team to discuss and plan projects. Overall, it’s been a really fulfilling experience.

We strongly believe that the initiatives of Mother’s Choice are currently pushing will yield great results and we want to support them in the future with fundraisers in our school when COVID clears up and I’m being able to participate in more volunteer events. We’re currently working on the #FindingFamily project. I personally love that Mother’s Choice places the biggest emphasis on a family build through nurture, love and care as opposed to just being related by blood. It’s been illuminating to see loving families that don’t set the stereotypical structure and they try and help to spell the myths and prejudices surrounding adoption. We hope to work with Mother’s Choice in the future to help others realize this too.




Started in 2015, the Mother’s Choice Youth Leadership Council is a youth centered advisory group designed to provide leadership development for student members as well as facilitate teamwork, build youth confidence and strengthen student skills with problem solving, creativity, critical thinking, communication and collaboration.

If you are interested in starting up a Youth Leadership Council in your school, please email us at

For more details, please visit

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