Ying is a mother who seeks help through the foster care service. Although her voice is weak due to the fight against cancer, she still would like to share her thoughts…
Seeking Help
We are a family of six, with four children. The diagnosis of cancer was unexpected and sudden, I was anxious and stressed out. With four children at home, neither could I take a good rest, nor take good care of them, so I sought help from foster care service.
As a mom, I don’t want my son to grow up without me, but I really couldn’t take care of him. It was the referral social worker who recommended me to seek help from Mother’s Choice.
The Relationship
I have a good relationship with the foster family. Occasionally, they would shared videos or photos on WhatsApp so that I could witness my child’s growth and development highlights. The foster family is also very care about my health. They prayed for me and encouraged me, I am very touched. Illness is ruthless, yet there is love in the world. The foster family is another home for my child.
When I meet up with my son, the foster mom and dad would give us some private time. When they left, my son would suddenly missed them much. I didn’t get upset. Instead, I knew that my son got along well with the foster family in such a short period of time, giving him a stronger sense of security.
In Good Hope
My son changed a lot. He behaved much better than before. In the past, he couldn’t sit still while eating, and he was easily distracted. Now he can sit still and finish his meal before leaving the table. In addition, he has improved a lot in speech. In the past, there was only one or two words in a sentence, but now he can say a very long sentence, so proud of him!
To the foster family, I would like to say: May you be blessed with life-long peace for your kindness. I hope my child grow up happily every day under their care.