How do we respond to child abuse?
As we have seen in the news this past year, child abuse and neglect happens daily across our city, in families, schools, residential care, and across all neighborhoods and socioeconomic groups. Hong Kong is facing a child protection crisis. Every child in Hong Kong has … Continued
Mother’s Choice Achieves Highest Level Of Keeping Children Safe Certification
Our vision at Mother’s Choice is to see every child in a safe, loving, and permanent family. Whether we are caring for babies and children in our Child Care Home, Foster Care, Project Bridge; walking with young girls and mothers through our Pregnant Girls Services and Y … Continued
The Impact Of COVID-19 On Vulnerable Children – Child Protection Is Everyone’s Responsibility
For over 30 years, Mother’s Choice has stepped into crisis in the lives of vulnerable children, youth, and at-risk families. Our vision is to see every child in a safe, loving, and permanent family, surrounded by a supportive community. Whilst the current global pandem … Continued
Child Protection is Everyone’s Responsibility
Each day when we open the newspaper, we see more and more heartbreaking stories of children who are victims of abuse and neglect. These stories are reflected in the soaring number of child abuse cases reported by the Hong Kong Social Welfare Department[1], with the high … Continued