Using Your Skills For Good
A huge thanks to Campaign for inviting our CEO Alia Eyres to be a speaker in their Leading Change virtual event! In “Breaking through adversity” session, Alia shared her journey on how she overcame hurdles in her personal and professional life, using fortitu … Continued
THANK YOU SO MUCH!! We are so grateful for our community’s generosity
On Thursday, January 7, we sent out an urgent appeal for diapers and wet wipes as our expected donation had fallen through and we had less than two weeks supply for the many babies at our Child Care Home. We have since been overwhelmed by the sharing of this news from o … Continued
Update on Urgent Appeal from Mother’s Choice
Since our urgent appeal two weeks ago, we have been overwhelmed by encouraging messages and support sent from all over the world. We still have a long way to go, but your generosity makes us hopeful. Almost 500 people responded with gifts of all sizes and we heard amaz … Continued