Chapter 1: Supporting Adult Adoptees My name is Yann and I was born in Hong Kong. I spent the first three months of my life at Mother’s Choice before being adopted by my French dad and my Malaysian mother. I have an older sister who is biological to my parents. Growing … Continued
Chapter 1: The Adoptee Community I was born in Korea. My German parents adopted me when I was three months old and I spent my whole life in Germany until I graduated from university. I then moved to Asia where I now work for an art gallery. I’ve been in Hong Kong for ov … Continued
COVID Impact Highlights on Mother’s Choice
This past year was one of unprecedented challenge at Mother’s Choice. With the unexpected outbreak of COVID-19, the already difficult conditions we face every day intensified, and the needs of the vulnerable babies and girls we serve increased. Youth Servi … Continued
Alia Marwah Eyres, Mother Of Six Boys, Aged 1 To 10, CEO Of Mother’s Choice (media)
Alia Marwah Eyres, Mother Of Six Boys, Aged One To 10, CEO Of Mother’s Choice
A huge thanks to NEW MOON for sharing the interview of Alia Eyres, CEO of Mother’s Choice! As a mother of six boys, Alia shares her motherhood journey in her own unique way. Please read the full story here: PORTRAITS OF MOTHERHOOD
Mother’s Choice Achieves Highest Level Of Keeping Children Safe Certification
Our vision at Mother’s Choice is to see every child in a safe, loving, and permanent family. Whether we are caring for babies and children in our Child Care Home, Foster Care, Project Bridge; walking with young girls and mothers through our Pregnant Girls Services and Y … Continued
What Generosity Looks Like In Action
NAME: Laura Parkes TITLE: Volunteer We are inspired by our incredible group of professional volunteers who never cease to show us what generosity looks like in action. Laura Parkes, Mother’s Choice volunteer, shares how she leveraged her professional skills havin … Continued
Leading Us From A Small NGO To Where We Are Today
Thank YOU Matthew Ginsburg For 13 years of dedicated service on the Board of Mother’s Choice, and leading us from a small NGO to where we are today. (1) How did you first hear about Mother’s Choice? I first heard about Mother’s Choice when a friend invited me alo … Continued
What is Adoption Leave and Why is it Important?
At Mother’s Choice, we believe that families are built by love and commitment in many diverse ways. Building a family through adoption is a wonderful way to build your family, and adoptive families need support in every step of this lifelong journey. What is adoption le … Continued
Family Is A Group Of People Who Love And Care For Each Other For Life
From emotional excitement and anxiety, to physical fatigue and immense joy, each parent experiences the same daily roller coaster rides in the early days of parenthood. During Adoption Awareness Month, we are pleased to have father of FIVE adoptive children, Jeff Ryan, … Continued